Take your Classes online with the Abuti Academy Online Classroom
We are super excited to share this new platform with you passionate teachers and we strive to support you in this time where we need to shift from the actual classroom to the digital classroom
Ready to start teaching online?
So… here’s what you can expect from the Abuti Syllabus online teaching platform:

Super easy to use platform back-end
In other words you as the teacher will be able to upload tasks and exercises for the students in the form of various types of files including PDF, Word, Jpeg, PNG and more. You will also be able to upload videos and audio which is a great add-on seeing as we live in a digital learning age.
You can link existing videos from YouTube or take a quick video of yourself explaining the task. Upload and just link. Easy Peasy and fun!

Create different classes for different grades
You will be able to create different classes for different grades and create unlimited lessons for each class. All you then do is invite students to join your class and access the materials. Students can easily see the teacher’s instructions, the work pages + all other activities included in the lesson you have prepared.

Students upload the assignments/homework
Students upload the assignments/homework and send them back to you as the teacher. For younger students we included a message box so parents can check the work and communicate with you if necessary.
In other words the work that you would have done in class gets done online and sent back to you for assessing/marking. No one gets left behind!

Easier access to existing materials
You will have easier access to existing materials and we are aiming at working together with teachers to share lesson plans and interesting materials to make your job easier. We want you to be creative and get the best out of this experience while you teach our kids and prepare them for the future.
Ready to start teaching online?